The use of push notifications on android has shown an increase in the opt-in rate for the website apps. According to a report published in 2018, the average worldwide opt-in rate for push notifications remains higher on Android devices (91.1%) than on any other platforms (67.05% appr).
The allure of android push notifications is obvious – they provide brands with a direct line of interaction with their customers and notify them of the latest alerts and updates.
Marketers use various channels and platforms to communicate with users to promote their brands and services offered. Among those platforms, using push notifications on android has shown tremendous results when compared to other platforms.
Let us understand in detail about the android push notifications.
What Are Android Push Notifications?
Android push notifications allow the app creators to send messages directly to the user’s android devices.
They create an interactive line of communication between creators and users even when the users are not in-app.
Android push notifications send alerts and updates when users are not using the app and direct them to the main website increasing engagement and retention.
Here are a few examples of using android push notifications :
- Messaging app notifying about new messages
- The banking App alerts the customers about their account details and low balance.
- Gaming App alerts about the new versions, and features added.
- Media App is sending alerts about the latest news and information.
Importance Of Using Android Push Notifications:
Since android push notifications have a higher opt-in rate, the retention depends mainly on the deliverability of the messages and impact they create on the user. Sending the notifications which add value can make a user respond and to open an app. Users can be prompted to log-in back if the information shared is relevant or according to their preferences.
Using Android push notifications can :
- Increase App usage by the users
- Increase App value by more number of open rates
- It Establishes two-way communication between brands and users.
- Increases user engagement on the website/App.
- Increases user Retention.
- Help in the timely delivery of updates and information to potential users.
- It helps in increasing conversions rates.
Essential factors of android push notifications :
The success of push notifications highly depends on how the campaigns are designed to reach potential audiences.
Several factors are considered while pushing the notifications on androids. Let us see a few of them in detail.
Relevancy: The information delivered must be relevant to the taste of users. It should not be random messages of promoting the brands. Irrelevancy can increase opt-out rates.
The users will get irritated by irrelevant promotional pop-ups on their devices and can end the interaction mode.
Accurate and exact message: Deliver the specific and precise messages to the users. Since push notifications are known for their crisp, small, and accurate medium of communication, the creators should always remember to maintain this simplicity and accuracy.
The exact messages about the updates and information will keep the interest of users and save their time in knowing the timely details of their brands.
On-time updates: The marketers should know what time are best for pushing their notifications. Timely updates are very crucial for high conversion rates.
Rich media and creativity: Make use of creative media designs to grab the attention of users and keep them engaged. Use product images and relevant, vibrant images to make the message more attractive and clickable.
Frequency: The frequency of sending notifications plays a vital role. Bombarding the users with a more number of notifications can annoy them, and the company can lose them forever. Therefore a proper and systematic strategy has to be designed to maintain the right frequency of notification.
Conclusion :
Since these notifications come with various benefits to the creators, they have to be used wisely for optimum results. A good understanding of the audience and their preferences can help in designing perfect and result-oriented campaigns.
They create a direct link between creators and users to communicate even when the users are not in-app. They help in user acquisition, retention, and engagement.
About Truepush
Truepush is world’s No.1 free Push Notification platform. We are so glad to announce our RSS-to-Push and Audience Segmentation features are now updated to give you best in the world engaging experience.
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