“Data Collection is a critical parameter to achieve a segmentation goal.”

Most of the businesses spend time on customer acquisition, data collection of email, and sending marketing campaigns and notifications but all the strategies are failing consecutively with no increase in user engagement, customer retention, and conversions on website or app. 

The efficient categorization of Data and similar elements could solve the problem of online engagement, lead conversions, and retention. The vital practice which businesses are missing is Audience Segmentation.

Audience Segmentation is the savior!

What is Segmentation?

Segmentation is the process of dividing the data into smaller groups or subsets and grouping similar data together based on chosen parameters.

The data can be grouped based on the customer’s needs, behavior, and preferences. A set of customers share common characteristics, which, if appropriately utilized, would help to retain and re-engage them. It’s a crucial aspect of the company’s marketing strategy to keep meeting the excellent result and to understand what is behavioral targeting.  

For example, if an old customer shows up in the store and the shopkeeper shows him the same product again and again, the customer will switch to some other store to explore other new products. And if a new customer enters the store and the shopkeeper tries to sell him the store’s expensive and premium products, where the customers’ budget is low. The demands will be unmet, and retention will go down the slope.

That’s the reason; Segmentation is studied and used by various organizations to target specific products to the particular user segment. Truepush has an organized segmentation feature where a company website can classify users based on the segmentations provided.

The key benefits of using data Segmentation:

  • It helps in understanding various groups of users and their preferences. 
  • Based on created segments, it is easy to send specific messages and notifications to the targeted audience. 
  • It helps in the smooth conduct of information transmission to the specific segments. 

Also, a user can create his new segment!

To create a new User Segment apart from the existing one, Custom Tags can be utilized by providing a tag name, data type, and value to create user segments.

Various reputed brands joined Truepush on their journey to provide the world’s no.1 push notification tools. Segmentation is one of the prominent features of Truepush, among others, such as RSS-to-push, unlimited subscribers, unlimited projects, real-time reporting, multi-browser support, unlimited tags, etc. Truepush clients have marked a significant increase in their conversion rates by sending Push Notification, which is highly segmented and focuses on a particular band of users.

According to research, 76% of consumers expect a business to be aware of their preferences and needs.

If companies are aware of the customers’ preferences, they will appreciate it and this appreciation will go a long way in building up an LTV( lifetime value). Creating exceptionally targeted notifications has much higher open rates and click-through rates. 

Segmentation help marketers to identify a group of customers and build a conversion strategy based on the location of their customer’s journey. Segmenting should be the priority before sending push messages to the users. It will reduce the audience size but increases the ROI generated from the specific segment.

Truepush has a brilliant segmentation feature that covers the foremost segmentation needs, such as dividing the customers based on OS, Country, Browser, Day of the week, Hour of the day, Subscription date, Last visit date, Platform, State, City, etc.

Take a look at our segmentations below!

  • Segments we provide-
Truepush segmentation

  • Custom Segments-
    Custom Segments

About Truepush

Truepush is the world’s no.1 free Push Notification platform. We are so glad to announce our RSS-to-Push and Audience Segmentation features are now updated to give you the best online engagement. 

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How IndiaGlitz is using Language Segmentation to push vernacular content. Read our case study here

Also, read:
IndiaGlitz Uses Push Notifications To Push Vernacular Content To Its Users (Case Study)
How Using Push Notifications in your Marketing Funnel Up-slopes your Brand?

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Website: www.truepush.com
Email: help@truepush.com

Image source- Freepik
Image credit-https://www.freepik.com/free-vector/infographic-business-template-design_711049.htm#page=1&query=segment&position=5