Sometimes we notice users are not receiving push notifications from your website. There are a few common issues for this that can be resolved.

“Notifications delivery rate” is a key metric for every push notifications product. So when our system recognizes and confirms a notification as “delivered”, it means it has successfully distributed the notifications using our partnered delivery service. However, sometimes notification does not get delivered to the individual’s device even when our systems show it as delivered. 

Reasons for user not receiving push notifications

There could be multiple reasons why this happens, below are the major ones:

  • Blocking notifications in browser settings
  • Block push notifications from your website
  • Unsubscribing through settings tab on any notification that you send; and
  • by having inappropriate network settings

A user has to perform any of the following to have unsubscribed push notification service from your website

  • A user deletes cookie data from the browser
    • User can delete the cookie data manually from browser settings
    • Using an application that scans, deletes cookies and cache data for system maintenance

Deleting cookie data manually can differ from one browser to another. One needs to delete cookies manually from respective browser settings.

Read Manual deletion of cookies in chrome, and Mozilla Firefox.

Note: You’ll know that a user has unsubscribed only when you send a push campaign.

Also, Read 
Service Worker(sw.js) file in Push Notifications
Myths around Push Notifications

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