In Truepush Campaigns the things that are available are very simple
First, on the dashboard, it shows the following:
- Title(The title that you have given)
- Status(either Running, Paused or Completed)
- Start Time Source (The time the campaigns starts)
- Sent(How many subscribers are going to receive the notifications )
- Delivered(How many received it)
- Views(How many viewed it)
- Total Clicks(How many clicked on it)
Based on the status of the campaign, there is a total of 4 options available in the Action column.
If the status of the campaign is “queued or completed”, 2 options would be available i.e.
a)campaign stats
b)clone campaign as shown in the image below-
When the status of the campaign is “created”, 4 options including the previous 2 options would be available under the “Action” column i.e.
- Edit
- Campaign stats
- clone campaign
- cancel campaign as shown in an image below-
1. Campaign stats
It contains the following details.
- Delivery stats
- Platform stats
- Notification details
- Segmentation
- UTM details
- Statistics
- Countrywise stats
- Browser Wise stats
- Hourly stats
2. Clone Campaign
Clone campaign directs you to “Create a new campaign” page where all the details of the previous campaigns are filled by default.
- Filters for Campaigns are on top of the campaign page.
3. Edit Campaign
This option lets you edit the details of the campaign.
4. Cancel campaign
This option allows you to cancel the entire campaign.