Rejuvenate your business models with an awe-inspiring conversation with Abhinav Tyagi, Senior Product Manager at JioMart

“Communication can never be over-communicated”

Abhinav Tyagi is a dynamic professional with over 6 years of astonishing experience in the field of Product Management. He is also known for his expertise in the field of designing product strategy with a passion to work on consumer products with an analytics-driven approach. He has played a huge part in thought leadership while contributing to the overall strategy and vision of the company. Following his passion, Abhinav is now working on making B2B & B2C digital payments a hassle-free experience for all consumers and retailers. 

JioMart- The Future of E-commerce.  

Jiomart is one of the biggest e-commerce platforms based in India. It is a platform that is looking to leverage the customer base of Jio, and bring local Kirana stores and the platform users together. It is an online to offline business model where customers place their orders online and the delivery happens through a nearby offline channel or shop. Jio mart has raised from the pandemic ashes looking to bring together every small shop out there and connect them with the customers in need nearby. 

An Outlook of a modeling conversation. 

The conversation started off with Abhinav Tyagi helping us understand the current business models, and how it is a valuable addition to the growing e-commerce business models out there. He explains to us about the O2O e-commerce business model which has been getting more attention in recent times. It is an online to offline model where online orders are executed by nearby offline stores. It helps to build a strong relationship between local consumers and businesses. According to Abhinav, this is a remarkable move to fill in the huge gap between consumers buying online and offline. This happens to be a growing platform with many businesses looking to be a part of it.  

E-commerce is one of the ever-growing markets due to the ever-increasing needs of consumers around the world. As the world gears up for the future, there happens to be a shift in the purchasing behavior of the consumers, with reports indicating a major growth in mobile payments, added Abhinav.

As the conversation was taking shape, Abhinav shared his vision which is to digitize every small shop and business around the country. He believes that the focus for the next 10-15 years is going to stay on that vision as digitizing these businesses helps bring more value to them. 

“Future is all about, who is going to win the race of actually digitizing on both the side i.e consumers and merchants bringing best consumer experience”

As the conversation reaches its peak, Abhinav helps us by giving insights on strategy making and the important things to consider. The business should run while keeping in mind the local language and providing content into those local channels to match the customer preferences and educate them at the same time. He believes that the role of a product manager in building any model shouldfocuson listening tocustomers and prioritizing the problems to resolve.

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