Rekindle your business flame by a captivating conversation with Nida Naushad, Head- Brand, Strategy & Campaigns at Cars24.

“Your audience may forget what you say, but they’ll never forget how you make them feel”

Nida Naushad, Head- Brand, Strategy & Campaigns at Cars24
Nida Naushad, Head- Brand, Strategy & Campaigns at Cars24

Nida Naushad is a versatile marketing professional working for startups since the beginning of her career way back in 2011, helping brands to reach the level where every business dreams of achieving. She is an individual who always focused on the bigger picture while paying attention to the smaller details, with an astounding career path and immense experience in the field of marketing communications and public relations. 

Cars24: India’s first online portal to sell used cars. 

Cars24 is an online platform, serving as a marketplace to buy and sell used cars. Since its inception the company has led the online automobile marketplace to reach soaring heights.

It was the first one to disrupt the transactional led used cars business model and revolutionizing the way cars are being sold in the country. They made it easier for sellers and buyers while getting the best deal out of the auctions. With over 200 branches across India and 2.5L+ satisfied customers, the company has always managed to bring ‘the wow factor to buying a new car is in selling the old one’. 

Catch a Glimpse 

The conversation began by Nida making us acknowledge the advantages of working in a start-up which includes the freedom to experiment with different strategies and gain wider experience and perspective. She later anchored her thoughts on the importance of storytelling, as business needs content to educate its audience Every day millions of content are being created to gain milliseconds of attention from the audience. That shows the effort put by the companies to acquire customers and gain their interest even if it doesn’t guarantee the desired outcome. 

The conversation shifted to Nida helping us understand the way businesses are using influencers for brand marketing and other insights on how Cars24 remains to be the best through the years.    

Importance of Storytelling

As the conversation progresses Nida shares her thoughts on how big of an impact just a few good words can make. She phrases “It’s important to not just have a quality product, you need to know how to talk about it in a way that it actually differentiates from the crowd. That’s where the brand story comes into picture”. She further explains the “why’s” the companies need to work on 

  • Solving the “why” for the customer
  • Figuring out “why” your brand exists in the first place.

Marketing and its campaigns have evolved over the years and have seen a lot of changes in its functionality during the past decades. But the most important object is to have a brilliant story for people to relate to you.

“Everything is about the consumer. You’ll come up with a great narrative if you know your consumer”

Nida took over the discussion and shared what she thinks a brand manager should be like. It is someone who knows the customer and their story better than anyone else in the company. Always giving priority to the customer’s needs and constantly learning about them. Companies need to use the no-business period to work on other aspects of the idea and be open to adapt to the changes. 

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