Futooro uses Truepush to engage their site visitors. Futooro makes extensive use of web push to bring the users back to the site. A quick question is- what is web push?

Web push is a brief message that appears on the users devices even if the users are not present on the site. It contains importance updates, alerts, offers, and much more. Let’s see how Futooro gets benefited while using Truepush push service.

Time takes the lead

The delivery time matters. Sending the right message at the right time is a vital metric to increase click-through rates. The success rate for Push Notifications is linked to its delivery time. It’s imperative to understand what timings work for the website platform to send out a push. It comes with studying the customer’s preferences and interests. To hit a sweet spot on a customer’s side, one needs to consider the happy-hours of the customers and shoot up the click-through rates. The users might be available across different time zones. Sending timely notifications can bring the customers to the platform and re-engages them.

Optimal Click-through rates(CTR)

The click-through rate is the ratio of the number of clicks a push notification receives to the total number of views on a page.

It can be tracked from the Truepush dashboard.

Since its launch 20 years ago, Futooro has been passionately serving with astrology and divinatory art to connect with its dedicated and large user base. It recently engaged with Truepsuh and started sending out quality Push Notifications. Futooro’s user spectrum has widened, and a notable increase in its audience is visible after employing the Push Notification tool.

As Futooro is a website which is about horoscopes, tarot, zodiac signs, and numerology, its users need to be updated in all these sections frequently. The click-through rates illustrate the effectiveness of the campaigns being sent to the users. 

The click-through rate is not a constant parameter. As per our research, it changes with industries:

  • Education – 3%
  • e-commerce – 5 – 8%
  • Healthcare/Medical – 1.5%
  • Finance – 6 – 9%
  • Marketing – 2.5 – 3.5%

 However, after digging deeper into multiple pieces of research, white papers, and surveys on CTR, we have found that CTR for Push Notifications in the lifestyle, media & entertainment domain is 1.72%.

Truepush allows Futooro to acquire an average of 3.14% CTR, which is close to 3X the average CTR and sets a dominant benchmark in its realm.

Futooro started using Truepush from march 2019 and now, schedules & sends close to 10 notifications per day. Truepush allows Futooro to makes use of rich emojis and pictures in its notifications. The advantages of emojis in web push is that it establishes a quick and responsive bond with a user, and thus results in high click-through rates.

Truepush also helped Futooro to send notifications in different languages to connect with its multi-lingual customers. Here, the language segmentation feature helped Futooro to categorize its diversified demographics into Spanish and worldwide segments.

Features such as scheduling, sending rich notifications using emojis and pictures, and multi-lingual support from Truepush helped Futooro provide a competitive edge over other similar platforms in its domain.

Futooro’s steadily increasing campaign performance helped them uncover new strategies to keep intensifying its user base and sets high and challenging standards in the lifestyle and entertainment industry.

About Truepush

Truepush is the most affordable Push Notification platform. We are so glad to announce our RSS-to-Push and Audience Segmentation features are now updated to give you best in the world engaging experience. 

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Website: www.truepush.com
Email: help@truepush.com

Image source- www.freepik.com
Image credit-https://www.freepik.com/free-vector/monitor-size_2945488.htm#page=1&query=CLIC&position=1