Use your resources wisely! Experimentation is better than putting all eggs in a single basket.

Mr. Niranjan Pagadala is the Co-founder of 8 Views digital marketing agency. Having worked with CCL since its inception and with Country Oven, Niranjan has garnered tremendous experience in marketing and management. He put all the experience, expertise, and digital understanding together to create 8 Views.

8 Views is a fast-paced marketing firm that provides marketing, advertising, and content solutions. Founded in 2015, 8 Views services the digital marketing needs of over 150 brands across various sectors such as Real Estate, Education, Lifestyle, Healthcare, and more.

Summary of the Podcast

The podcast starts with Niranjan explaining how data-driven marketing is beneficial for decision-making. He beautifully explains how going digital gives access to the company to a huge data bank which invariably forms the basis for strategizing at a much proficient level.

Niranjan addresses how startups and SMEs with low budgets should proceed with their marketing and advertising plans. He explains how defining goals and then aligning to them is quintessential to achieving their targets. Starting small and experimenting goes a long way rather than blindly following what other companies do.

Niranjan sheds light on how marketing and advertising revolve around consumer psychology. He shares through his experiences, how to capture a new customer’s attention, retain an already existing customer as well as how deal with a disappointed customer and thus convert them into happy customers.

Towards the end, Niranjan shared his knowledge about how to strategize to improve website ranking. While explaining how Google’s search engine works, he suggests that one should go to the advanced parameters only once their basics are well rooted in place.

As this conversation culminated, Niranjan advises entrepreneurs to always study the subject in-depth, to specialize in order to grow and to master the field.

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About the Host

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