The onset of mobile apps has often gotten overwhelming. Installing an app on your mobile for every service and receiving notifications can be quite disturbing. The web push notifications do the same work, but instead of being associated with the app, it is linked to the website. The web push notifications assist you in engaging and targeting your customers with relevant notifications, even when the customer is not on your website. These browser push notifications are supported by all browsers on desktop as well as on Android mobile.
Web notifications for Chrome have been in use since 2015. The requirement is simple – the chrome browser is to be installed and running on the device.
How to Integrate Chrome Push Notifications?
Incorporating web push notifications for chrome is simple too. Few lines of code have to be integrated into your browser and you get the Chrome push notifications working on your website, helping you get subscribers. This can be delivered to any device which supports Chrome. When not on the website, the notification appears on the right bottom corner of the system with zero interference with the ongoing work.
How Chrome Push Notifications Work?
The first step is to seek permission from the user to receive push messages and also ask them to subscribe.
Through Truepush dashboard, the push alerts is sent to the users through a respective browser cloud manager like GCM, APN, etc. Once the cloud manager validates the message, it is delivered to the right browser, and the respective URL is triggered with the push message. When the browser comes online, the push service delivers the message. This is recorded by your service worker.
Benefits of Push Notifications
For Companies
Quick and Easy implementation
With increased usage, the implementation process has become simple and can be done in a few simple steps through tools as Truepush has developed.
Truepush is an easy-to-use tool. The only thing that needs to be done is to copy and paste javascript into the web page. Implementing takes only a few minutes. Our customer support will always be ready to help you out.
Redirect and re-engage customers
Customer engagement and retention is one of the biggest challenges faced by the marketing teams as the options out there are in multitudes. Push notification marketing has been rated the most efficient way to reach your customers leading to improved retention. It is more customized and relevant to the customers due to improved analysis of the user behavior.
It is also very common that your visitors get distracted and leave your website. With Chrome push notifications, you can now redirect them back to your website with relevant notifications. These notifications can be formulated based on their past behavior. The biggest advantage is that these can be delivered even when the website is closed.
Multichannel and Omnichannel marketing
Even when your subscribers are using your app mostly, the user behavior can be tracked and accordingly marketing strategies are designed to target and engage them with notifications through the websites too. And this has been a huge contributor to the rise of omnichannel marketing.
With Chrome push notifications you can now engage with customers who would otherwise just browse through your website without delivering the desired action.
Higher Opt-in rates and lower Opt-out rates
It has been seen that subscribers are more prone to opt-in to receive web push notifications than through emails. Also, the rate of opting-out of app notifications is higher than that from a website. These definitely create a better route for engaging with the customers.
Web push notification acts as a non-intrusive and soft reminder which increases the rate of recovery by re-targeting customers.
For End Users
Easy to Opt-in and Opt-out.
The end-user is at an advantage here as they can choose which websites they want to receive the notifications from. Opting-in is a very simple click when you visit the website where you agree to receive the notifications. It is equally simple to Opt-out of receiving chrome notifications on a desktop or a mobile device.
The notifications are delivered on the desktop at the right bottom corner which does not interfere with any of the work in progress. The user is not interrupted.
Reminder notifications
Many websites, especially e-commerce websites have adopted to sending cart abandoned notifications, as a gentle reminder to the customer to complete their purchase process.
Read more:
What are Push Notifications and Types of Push Notification
About Truepush
Trupush is a free forever push notification platform where you can send unlimited push notifications to unlimited users. We are glad to announce PWA and AMP to give you the best engaging experience.
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